Iraqi artist Naseer Shamma, who oversees the House of Oud in Abu Dhabi, which opened in 2007, affirms his faith in music and culture in general, in providing a psychological base from which people can start to address their issues. As far as the music, especially the oud, seems to be the main preoccupation of Nasir Shamma, his faith in the arts' connection with each other and their influence on society's issues leads him to translate his musical convictions into action. Hence his supervision of the Arab Oud School in Cairo and Constantine And at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, in addition to his unceasing performances in Arab and international cities.
On music, Oud, and the interplay of arts, Naseer Shamma spoke to Al-Ittihad, explaining his views on many issues.
It was the beginning of the music, and the House of Oud, established by the Department of Culture and Tourism Abu Dhabi 10 years ago, has enriched the region with its ancient music and modern science, and taught to students who graduated from it and became silent. Shamma says: Abu Dhabi since the founding of the Union has known its interest in culture and the arts, and the first establishment founded by the «cultural complex». And from that time it attracts intellectuals, intellectuals and conferences, thus giving Abu Dhabi a special image of culture linked to the capital.
"We have succeeded in these years, and we see that the students of the House of Oud in Abu Dhabi when they participate in competitions receive the first and second prizes, whether in Cairo or Algeria or Turkey and others. I remember that the first graduate of Bayt Al Oud, Ali Obaid, now heads the Fujairah Arts College, which started in 2017, Faisal Al Sari, who founded the UAE Coral, and a third graduate who started his career in the art world. They have presence and presence. The number of citizens who learn music has become more than the expatriates, and this phenomenon has begun to grow properly, and now many young citizens and citizens are learning the Oud and Law and singing machine, in addition to other machines, and we opened a workshop for the manufacture of oud after we developed, Oud has become a regional center for the Gulf States and its residents.
As for the connection of the arts to each other, and how Shama looks at the Louvre Abu Dhabi, he says: "This is a very smart move by Abu Dhabi. The museum has given the cultural and cultural presence of Abu Dhabi and the UAE a very important precedent. On Abu Dhabi's strategy on reading and community response to this project, he said: Your question reminds me of an incident that happened in France. Note that the presence of the new generation has ebbed for opera, a great art for the West. They thought that after ten years there would be no opera audience. After the study, the French found that the solution was to perform street shows and replace formal dress when introducing opera art to jeans, taking opera to streets and schools, and running a special program for children. So they brought people back to the opera. Sociologists identified the problem and put solutions. So that societies can get rid of extremism and win generations for us with culture. The problem of the Arab world lies in culture and education. Fanaticism and extremism, not only faces a decision or a budget, but needs a vision that starts from kindergarten and kindergartens until we gain a conscious generation after 15 years.
On the occasion of the year of Zayed, which is celebrated by the UAE, the artist Shama confirms: The late Sheikh Zayed said, "There is no god but God" in every place in the world, not only in the Arab countries or the UAE. , Is the son of his environment, and God has given him the ability to be inspiring.
Source: United Arab Emirates newspaper